It has been said that attending PETS for the first time is akin to drinking from a fire hose. Beginning in January, you have an opportunity to engage in an easy learning track that will prepare you for the incredible learning event that PETS provides.

Who: All incoming Presidents and President Nominees


New this year! Club leadership involves more than just knowing about Rotary. Soft skill topic presentations will run concurrently affording the option to choose the ones you need most. More information will be available on our website as presenters and topics are identified.

Who: All attendees


New this year! Quickly learn how Rotary creates magic through the wide variety of initiatives, activities, and groups that Rotary provides. Some are for hobbies, some are for solving problems, and some are simply for making friends. Organized like speed dating, this fast-paced activity will provide a lot of knowledge and ideas in a short time.

Who: All attendees


The core sessions are the purpose of the PETS learning event. Through a facilitated structure focused on discussion and activities, leaders from similar club sizes share ideas and best practices. Topics include membership, service projects, public image, leadership, succession planning, and many more.

Who: Incoming Presidents, President Nominees, and Assistant Governors